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  1. Harness Your imagination for Success

    2023-12-04 11:53:00 UTC
    “Change the way you see things and the things you see will change. If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles.” Sounds like a trite Pinterest quote but oh my goodness it’s become the catalyst for my transformation. For…

  2. Why you need a branding shoot in 2024

    2023-12-01 12:57:00 UTC
    …because updating your headshots each year is a declaration and commitment to yourself and the world. What you have to say matters and it’s time to step into your rightful place and to be listened to. TAKE THE LEAP AND THE NET WILL APPEAR This has been my ethos this…

  3. Why you’ll benefit from my acting background

    2023-11-27 13:27:00 UTC
    My first career was as an actor. I trained at LAMDA, one of the best drama schools in the UK. I spent years working and at times not working, such is the nature of this industry. Mindset was everything and yet I didn’t really fully understand that I was capable…

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