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  1. How red traffic lights can save your day

    2023-06-19 09:37:00 UTC
    Seeing a red traffic light used to drive me nuts, I’d let it bother me and change how I was feeling; sighing at best, and swearing under my breath at worst.  Then I noticed my kids also get annoyed by them too like they were always in a rush. They…

  2. Confidence comes from action

    2023-05-22 11:26:00 UTC
    Few people are totally comfortable with having their photographs taken.  There’s a perceived lack of confidence that erodes our impulses to do stuff, make stuff, and share things. During the course of the pandemic, increased use of social media, and the incredible stresses we’ve been under, it’s no wonder so…

  3. “Prioritise your uniqueness”

    2023-04-24 20:16:00 UTC
    “Don’t prioritise your looks my friend, as they won’t last the journey Your sense of humor though, will only get better with age. Your intuition will grow and expand like a majestic cloak of wisdom. Your ability to choose your battles, will be fine-tuned to perfection. Your capacity for stillness,…

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