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You are not your business!

 In a world where hustle culture is glorified and entrepreneurship is all the rage, it’s easy to lose sight of who we are beyond our businesses. 

When our identity becomes inseparable from our business identity, our self-worth can become contingent on external factors such as financial success, validation, or public perception. 

We’ve got to draw a line and remember that we’re more than just our job titles. That means finding hobbies that light us up outside of work 

When you know your values, you can return to them for guidance. Freedom is one of mine and yet I’ll admit there have been days recently when all I’ve done is work. I know life is about more than just work. It’s about finding joy in the little things, nurturing our relationships, and taking care of ourselves. But it’s easy to forget this. I still keep on forgetting this.

In a world that’s constantly pushing us to do more and be more, it’s important to remember that our worth isn’t tied to our productivity. It’s not about what we do—it’s about who we are and how we make people feel (another one of my values).

It’s also so hard not to take things personally. But go gently on yourself and try and remember that you are not your business. 

If this resonates and you’d love to chat about working together, I’d really love that. I’d love to connect with others who understand the importance of community over consumerism. Who value being in nature and celebrating all that comes with that including the responsibility for its protection and survival. 

 Come on over here and fill in your details xx

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