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Personal Projects

I’ve been discussing goals, and desires recently over on my Instagram stories. During lockdown I voiced that I’d like to have my work published and I’m thrilled that Project Mushroom is due out May 2nd. It was the most perfect job, with the best people. A dream come true. And it’s sparked such a fascination for me to work in a different way. I realised I love to be able to style and control the shot, moving away from my more reportage style. 

I loved the pace of a well-considered portrait. Waiting for the perfect light. Having time.

And I’m finding myself in a place where I don’t feel free to take the actions I want. I feel pressure, I feel hustle. I feel stress and scarcity and it’s affecting my creativity. 

I remembered that we have a choice over these things. If something isn’t working then often the bravest thing to do is take control and change it.  I’ve got so many plans for my personal photography, about finding the love and courage and listening to what feels aligned. 

I cannot wait to see what unfolds. I’m embarking on a new series based on our wildflowers, native to Sussex. 

Keep you posted x

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